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OSTF 09-09-13 Minutes
Minutes of meeting held in Sprenkel Room, Town Hall, on September 9, 2013

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Carol Heffler. George Caye, Betty Warren, Jeff Folger (arrived 6:22), Roy Normen (arrived 5:57), Mike Gantick, Bart Pacekonis, John Caldwell

Absent: Sue Larsen, Herb Asplund,

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:30. OSTF pledged allegiance to the flag.

Public Participation: None

Acceptance of Minutes:  Correction: Louise Evans was present at last meeting. The minutes were accepted with correction.

New Business:
Pat Botteron appointed Louise Evans to take the minutes in the absence of Sue Larsen.

Election of Officers: Pat Botteron, chair; Louise Evans, vice-chair; Sue Larsen, secretary

Review of By-Laws: Mike Gantick made a motion to add the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  Bart Pacekonis seconded motion. Discussion followed after which the vote was unanimous.

Heritage Day schedule: Hours are 9-4 on October 5. Gene Botteron, Sue Larsen and Roy Normen will help with set-up. Pat Botteron will be there all day from 8:30 on; 9-10 Carol Heffler; 10-11 no volunteer; 11-12 no volunteer; Louise Evans 12-2; 2-3 no volunteer; 3-4 no volunteer; breakdown.

Old Business:
Property Updates: ATV activities reported at Niederwerfer Sanctuary.  The original marker identifying an area of the Sanctuary as the highest point has been removed.  A sign is needed; should find highpoint marker then replace the sign.

Weeds in Donnelly Park were reported.   John Caldwell reported that his staff tried but could not do weed removal because his staff members were being bitten by house flies.  Since the insects have dissipated, the weeds have been successfully removed.  Vandalism has been taken care of.

Jeff, Pat, and Michele will work on a check sheet for walking property (s) that come before the Task Force for review.   First the Town needs to confirm who owns the property that is to be walked, rated and reviewed.

Nelson Property received a clean soil report. This is done in phase two when necessary; all properties receive environmental overview in phase one.

We have a bottom line of $3,170,795.39 in bond money. We are working from the 2005 referendum monies.

Mike Gantick made a suggestion that for the OSTF 20th anniversary, a video of all properties be made as part of a celebration. Pat suggested that we could have a story line including other events in an on-line seminar where former owners talk about their property.

Shari Fiveash, Executive Director of the S. W. C of C requested that Julie Lapp, President of the Chamber of Commerce speak to Pat for replacement of Betty Osborne.

The Mangene property on Route 5 is to be acquired by Land Trust. The decision will need to be made publicly.

Town Council may make a decision on King Street Property in mid-October. The Town Attorney decided that a survey should be made. All costs will be permanently recorded.


Suggestion was made that a sign for the entrance to the trail off DQ parking lot be made indicating a trail to the Donnelly Preserve.

Pat reported that all suggestions task force made about Plan of Conservation and Development were adopted by Planning and Zoning Commission

Jeff reported that developer wants to get rid of 3 lots on Quarry Brook; two lots according to Jeff are undevelopable. Developer may offer the two to the town and the third to abutting owners.

Goals for Upcoming Year:

Comments were made on several small achievements.

Other Business: Motion to adjourn made by Carol and seconded by Betty. Unanimously voted.

Respectfully submitted,
Louise Evans
Secretary Pro Tem